G7 Commit To Produce Carbon Free Electricity Upto 2035



On April 16, the Group of Seven (G7) countries decided to explore “speeding up” the transition away from coal and guaranteeing the generation of carbon-free energy by 2035. This was crucial for a global understanding after a two-day summit in Sapporo, Japan, ahead of the G7 summit in Hiroshima in May 2023. In light of its G20 chairmanship, India was also invited to the summit as a “guest”.

What Agreements are done in G7?

  • The first of several in-person ministerial meetings before the G7 summit in May in Hiroshima was held on April 15-16 in Sapporo, Japan.
  • Its main objective was to talk about how the G7 countries may use renewable energy sources more frequently while lowering their dependency on fossil fuels to assist them reach their 2050 goal of becoming carbon neutral.
  • The G7 states referred to the earnest need to decrease Fossil fuel byproducts by around 43% by 2030 and 60% by 2035.
  • The members endorsed the IPCC’s AR6 Report, which reiterates the need to prevent global temperatures from rising by more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, and agreed to accelerate investments in solar and wind energy to produce 1,000 gigawatts of solar power and 150 gigawatts of wind power from offshore platforms by 2030.
  • They agreed to end inefficient fossil fuel subsidies by 2025 and reiterated that they are at odds with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

What are G7s?

  • The term “G7” refers to a group of seven industrialized nations, including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  • The G7, formerly the G8 (before Russia was eliminated), was founded in 1975 as a casual gathering of leaders from the most remarkable economies in the world.
  • The G7 nations gather once a year to address matters of interest to both of their economies and governments, such as trade, security, and environmental regulations.
  • In 1975, the G6 (which did not include Canada) was established. In 1976, the G6 was expanded to include Canada. The organization covers a considerable share of the world’s economy and trade, and choices made by the group could have a significant effect on markets and global policy.

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What is the Objective of G7?

The G7 group was formed to provide a forum for the leaders of the major industrialized democracies to discuss economic issues of mutual concern.

1. Economic cooperation

  • The G7 nations want to encourage economic coordination and collaboration to advance fair trade practices and global economic growth. They also want to work together to remove obstacles to trade and investment.
  • The G7 nations want to encourage global economic growth and stability by coordinating their macroeconomic policies, including monetary and fiscal ones.
  • The G7 promotes policies that foster sustainable growth and development, such as financial crises, debt reduction, and poverty reduction, and offers financial and technical aid to nations undergoing economic reforms.

2. Global Security

  • The G7 works to confront risks to international security, such as terrorism, cyber threats, and regional conflicts.
  • The G7 nations cooperate together to disrupt terrorist networks, stop the financing of terrorists, and prevent terrorism and violent extremism.
  • The G7 is dedicated to supporting global disarmament and non-proliferation initiatives as well as measures to stop the spread of nuclear weapons.

3. Climate change

  • Through concerted efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and encourage clean energy, the G7 is dedicated to supporting sustainable development and reducing the effects of climate change.
  • To achieve a low-carbon economy, the G7 is dedicated to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This involves assisting in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and supporting it.
  • To reduce emissions and advance sustainable development, the G7 wants to encourage the use of clean energy sources, such as renewable energy.

4. Development

  • The G7 is committed to helping low-income nations, especially those in Africa, in their development efforts.
  • Through initiatives like infrastructure development, investments in human resources, and support for private sector development, the G7 attempts to aid economic growth in low-income nations.
  • The G7 supports measures to increase access to education in low-income nations because it recognizes the value of education in fostering economic growth and decreasing poverty.

5. Global Health

  • The G7 partners on initiatives to boost global health security, including disease surveillance and response systems, and acknowledges the significance of avoiding and combating pandemics.
  • The G7 works together to combat non-communicable illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, which are posing an increasing threat to world health.
  • The G7 backs programs that increase access to reproductive health care and lower maternal and infant mortality as well as other activities to enhance maternal and child health.

What is the Significance of G7?

1. Economic influence

  • The G7 partners on initiatives to boost global health security, including disease surveillance and response systems, and acknowledges the significance of avoiding and combating pandemics.
  • The G7 works together to combat non-communicable illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, which are posing an increasing threat to world health.
  • The G7 backs programs that increase access to reproductive health care and lower maternal and infant mortality as well as other activities to enhance maternal and child health.

2. Political influence

  • The G7 nations are enormous political and economic forces in the world, and their choices and deeds may have profound effects on geopolitics.
  • The G7 nations are global leaders in advancing human rights, and their positions and choices on matters like gender equality, human trafficking, and refugee resettlement can have a big impact on the state of human rights around the world.
  • The G7 nations have a significant impact on the world’s ability to resolve crises, and their diplomatic efforts and interventions can aid in advancing talks and peace accords.

3. International cooperation

  • The G7 serves as a venue for international cooperation on a variety of issues such as economic and financial stability, global security, development, and climate change.
  • The G7 countries play an important role in fostering global economic and financial stability, and their policies and choices on subjects such as trade, investment, and monetary policy can contribute to global economic growth and stability.
  • The G7 countries contribute significantly to international development, and their collaboration on problems such as foreign aid, debt relief, and education can help to promote sustainable development and poverty reduction in developing countries.

4. Global leadership

  • The G7 nations are acknowledged as world leaders, and because of this, other nations and international organizations may behave differently as a result of their policies and activities.
  • The G7 nations play a significant role in determining the global agenda on a variety of topics, such as economic cooperation, international security, climatic change, development, and global health. The G7’s positions and choices on these matters could influence international collaboration and action.
  • The G7 nations play a crucial role in providing global public goods such as aid for development, funding for climate change, and humanitarian relief. The G7’s initiatives to offer these products show leadership and a dedication to promoting world peace.

5. Diplomatic engagement

  • The G7 offers a venue for high-level diplomatic interaction and communication between the world’s superpowers, which can aid in negotiations and crisis resolution.
  • The G7 nations frequently organize summits and diplomatic gatherings to talk about and coordinate policies on a variety of problems. These gatherings may offer chances for diplomatic interaction between the G7 and other nations as well as for discussion of crucial world issues.
  • With other nations and international organizations, the G7 countries engage in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy on a variety of subjects. These diplomatic interactions may aid in fostering international cooperation, communication, and understanding.

What is the Criticism of G7?

1. Exclusivity

The G7 is sometimes criticized for being an elitist group of wealthy, industrialized nations that does not adequately reflect the diversity of the world community. As a result, some have contended that the G7’s decisions and policies might not accurately represent the objectives and interests of nations outside the group.

2. Insufficient representation

A lack of representation and the continuation of historical power inequalities in global governance has been challenged as a result of the G7’s exclusion of any nations from Africa, Latin America, or the Middle East.

3. Limited scope

Some contend that the G7’s focus is too constrained and that it falls short of addressing crucial global concerns including poverty, inequality, and global health.

4. Ineffectiveness

Some detractors contend that the G7 has not been successful in solving global concerns and accomplishing its declared aims despite its substantial economic and political weight.

5. Absence of responsibility

Since the G7 is not a recognized institution, its decisions are not legally binding. Because of this, some have questioned its accountability and ability to advance global governance.

6. Unilateralism

The G7 has come under fire for taking unilateral measures that disregard the interests and viewpoints of other nations and the larger international community.

What are India’s Initiatives Regarding Carbon-Free Electricity?

1. National Solar Mission

The National Solar Mission was started by the Indian government in 2010 to install 20 GW of solar energy by 2022. By 2022, the mission is now intended to reach a 100 GW goal.

2. UJALA scheme

The Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA) program was introduced by the government in 2015 to offer households discounted prices on energy-efficient LED bulbs. As a result, there has been a significant decrease in both electricity use and carbon emissions.

3. Green Energy Corridors

To move renewable energy from production sites to consumption centers, the government is creating green energy corridors. This would help to minimize transmission losses and ensure that the energy generated from renewable sources reaches the customers without any loss.

4. National Wind Energy Mission

The National Wind Energy Mission was established by the government in 2014 to install 60 GW of wind-generating capacity by 2022.

5. International Solar Alliance

The International Solar Alliance was established in 2015 to promote solar energy globally in India and France. By 2030, the coalition wants to mobilize $1 trillion in solar energy investments.

6. Electric Mobility

Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME) and the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) are two of the government’s many initiatives to support electric mobility across the nation. These programs seek to lower carbon emissions from the transportation industry.

7. Net Zero Emissions

India declared in 2021 that it will expand its non-fossil fuel target to 500 GW by 2030 and commit to achieving net-zero emissions by the year 2070.

What are World’s Initiatives Regarding Carbon-Free Electricity?

1. Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement, which was ratified in 2015, intends to keep global warming to 2 degrees Celsius or less over pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to keep it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. By lowering greenhouse gas emissions and increasing renewable energy, the accord seeks to accomplish this.

2. Carbon Pricing

Carbon pricing, which assigns a price to carbon emissions, has been adopted in several nations and areas. A carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system, which enables businesses to buy and sell carbon credits, can be used to achieve this.

3. Mission Innovation

A global program called Mission Innovation was started in 2015 to accelerate the development of sustainable energy technologies. To quadruple investments in renewable energy research and development over five years, it brings together nations and private sector partners.

4. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

With the help of CCS technology, carbon dioxide emissions from factories, power plants, and other industrial activities are captured and kept underground. To lower their carbon emissions, several nations have made investments in CCS technology.

5. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

An intergovernmental agency called IRENA works to encourage the use of renewable energy all around the world. It offers nations technical support, capacity building, and policy guidance.

6. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

With the UNFCCC, dangerous human-caused interference with the climate system is to be avoided by stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. The Conference of Signatories (COP), an annual gathering of the treaty’s signatories, reviews progress and bargains for new measures to combat climate change.

7. Renewable Energy Targets

To improve the proportion of renewable energy in their electrical mix, several nations have set renewable energy targets. By 2030, the European Union, for instance, wants to get 32% of its energy from renewable sources.


The G7’s pledge to produce electricity without carbon emissions by 2035 is a significant step toward combating climate change. The electricity industry, which is one of the main sources of carbon emissions, has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions if this commitment is effectively implemented. However, achieving carbon-free electricity by 2035 would require significant investments in research and development, regulatory frameworks, and policy support. Additionally, it would necessitate a significant overhaul of energy infrastructure and systems, which may prove challenging in some nations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the G7 commitment to climate change?

    The G7 leaders are working together more actively to confront the climate catastrophe and hasten the transition to sustainable energy globally in order to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. We reiterate our steadfast dedication to the Paris Agreement.

  • What is the G7 commitment on coal?

    They reiterated a 2022 pledge to “fully” or “predominantly” decarbonize their power sectors by 2035 and to speed up the phase-out of all unabated fossil fuels in accordance with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5C in order to reach net zero in energy systems by 2050.

  • What is the carbon neutrality in 2035?

    The “GWP,” or global warming potential, of CO2 (also known as “CO2 equivalent” or “CO2e”), may be used to quantify other greenhouse gases. The environment is negatively impacted by it. By 2035, we’ll have stopped emitting CO2e from our activities and facilities in order to be carbon neutral.

  • What is G7 country Upsc?

    The seven nations are France, Germany, Japan, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The UPSC Syllabus has a significant section on international organizations. This article discusses the G7, a global alliance, and its most recent developments.


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