Global Climate Crisis and Net Zero

Global Climate Crisis


Earth’s history has been affected by natural temperature fluctuations, from ice ages to warm times. However, human activities—most notably the usage of fossil fuels—have increased the greenhouse gas impact since the Industrial Revolution, resulting in global warming. Energy use, industrial operations, car emissions, deforestation, and landfills are some of the major causes. The effects are clear: melting glaciers, increasing sea levels, currents being impacted by warmer oceans, an increase in severe events, and a decline in biodiversity. Earth’s processes are disrupted by this artificial warming.

Climate Change: A Race Against Time

The average global temperature has increased by 1.1°C since 1880, with most of the warming occurring after 1975 (NASA GISS). The Paris Accord reflects the current global agenda, which calls for keeping warming to 1.5°C over pre-industrial levels to ensure a future that is habitable for all. The Earth’s climate will undergo an irreversible series of events with a 2°C increase. We have gone well past the objective despite the scientific community and activists’ long-standing calls for climate action due to a lack of political will, institutional improvements, and industrial accountability. By 2100, we’re expected to see an increase of 2.8°C at present policy rates.

Going To Net Zero

The idea, which is rooted in physical climate science, describes an atmospheric condition in which the quantity of anthropogenic greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere equals the amount emitted into the atmosphere. The Paris Climate Accord (which came into effect on November 4, 2016) set the net zero aim for the first time on a global scale.

The Need for Net Zero

Only a certain quantity of CO2 and other GHGs may exist in the earth’s atmosphere in order to maintain the global temperature below the threshold. Any growth beyond that amount should be offset by moving the materials into man-made or natural sinks. Maintaining temperatures at or below 1.5°C requires net zero, which also serves as a critical benchmark for limiting national emissions. It becomes crucial because, according to the IPCC, maintaining 1.5°C objectives is essential to preventing catastrophic climate change-related disasters.

Challenges in Transitioning to Net Zero

  • Energy security in the energy transition: energy security has gained prominence, particularly in the wake of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine (Russia is a major worldwide supplier of gas). The majority of alternative energy sources with minimal greenhouse gas emissions are weather-dependent, which affects the steady supply of energy. Longer-term storage of this kind of energy is currently difficult.
  • Credibility and honesty of non-governmental organizations. While the number of net-zero objectives is rising, the strength of these commitments occasionally falls short of the global benchmarks established by the Race to Zero initiative.
  • The high initial outlay for an investment.
  • Technology is still moving slowly to provide such a significant change in emissions.
  • Precise emission estimates: Challenges in quantifying and mitigating supply chain emissions.
  • Fair and moral: Reducing emissions should be sustainable in terms of how it affect the weak and impoverished.

Solutions to Achieve the Goal

Making the shift to net zero requires a total reworking of production and consumption processes. Accelerated decarbonization might be achieved by electrifying industry and transportation and by switching to sustainable energy. However, cutting back on fossil fuel emissions alone won’t solve the problem since CO2 has long-term effects. As a result, it must be urgently removed from the atmosphere.

Mechanisms of Carbon Sequestration: The removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, either naturally or intentionally, involves the collection and storage of carbon.

  • Natural soil and plant sequestration of carbon.
  • Geological sequestration of carbon: in saline aquifers or deep porous rocks.
  • Graphene synthesis, direct air capture, and artificial molecules or ionic liquids that directly absorb greenhouse gases or CO2 from the environment are examples of technological carbon sequestration.

Innovative Strategies and Technologies

  • Artificial Intelligence
    • To calculate carbon emissions more quickly. (A firm called Altruistiq uses AI).
    • To evaluate hazards connected to climate change, offer comprehensive information, and aid in extreme weather adaptation (ClimateAI).
  • Carbon Capture Technologies
    • Affordably Direct Air Capture: this is the potential but presently highly expensive method of directly extracting CO2 from the environment. Direct carbon capture and sequestration is the process of capturing carbon and using it for additional sequestration or use.
    • Usage and storage of carbon captured: this describes the transportation and storage of carbon captured from point sources, such as power plants, etc.
  • Financing
    • Aggressive funding and investment in “high volume industrial commodities” (such as cement, steel, hydrogen, and so on) that are produced carbon-free.
  • Energy Storage Technologies
    • Long-Duration Energy Storage (LDES) refers to technologies (such as Energy Dome and e-Zinc) that may be swiftly implemented and expanded to various degrees in order to provide a continuous clean energy supply.
  • Energy Efficient Hardware
    • Development aimed at lowering insulation and power losses during travel.
    • Digitization includes automatic sensor-based heating and lighting systems, as well as lighting that dims for energy-efficient buildings.
    • Reusing building materials, utilizing low-carbon concrete mixes, minimizing the use of high-carbon-footprint (CF) elements like metals, and remodeling existing structures are all ways to decarbonize buildings.
  • Low-carbon Foods
    • Compared to conventional meats, the environmental impact of cultured meats made from lab-based proteins (such as Shiok Meats) is lower. Additionally, by preserving biodiversity, which is essential for climate adaptation, this growing sector can assist.

Positive Impacts of Net Zero

  • Environment: Controlling climate change and global warming reduces the likelihood of catastrophic disasters, preserves natural cycles, and has a favorable impact on biodiversity and ecosystem health.
  • Economy: Long-term economic viability because catastrophic occurrences brought on by climate change might cause financial collapses. Promotion of a circular economy and the shift to low-carbon industries.
  • Society: Reduction in fatalities from extreme weather events and an increase in health with reduced pollution levels. Greater accountability for emissions shields society against unjustified and indirect costs.


The net-zero target has gained popularity under the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, despite low investments in climate-friendly industries and a heavy emphasis on fossil fuels. The concept of responsibility emphasizes a common commitment to preventing climate catastrophes and extends from people to organizations, companies, and consumers. Innovation and strict legislation are necessary to achieve net zero, and public mobilization and awareness-raising are crucial. Demand is shaped by individual actions and decisions, which encourage the production of fair, sustainable, low-emission goods. India is in a good position to keep global warming to 2°C because of its investments in solar energy and the electrification of vehicles. It also has low legacy emissions. Our current and future actions on climate change impact Earth.


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